Discipline Equals Freedom Book Summary

Jocko Willink is a former US Navy SEAL officer and currently an author, speaker, and podcaster. In his book Discipline Equals Freedom, we learn how discipline can set us up for success and a life of freedom.

Discipline is the road to being healthier, faster, and stronger.

  • Most people look for shortcuts, but this is a lie
  • If you want to reach your goals, it will require you to overcome obstacles, stop cutting corners.
  • The only way to success is through hard work, late nights and early mornings, and blood sweat tears and discipline

“Discipline is the core principle that overcomes laziness, lethargy and excuses

“Discipline is the root of all good qualities. The driver of daily execution”

  • Discipline comes from within. The answer is self-discipline which comes from within when you make the decision to be a disciplined person
  • Above all, discipline will make you free. It is the root of all good qualities

How do you stop laziness? How do you stop procrastination?

  • The best time and place to start is: Right here. Right now.

“Don’t let your mind control you. Control your mind.”

  • Do you want to be an early riser? Then wake up early.
  • Do you want to work out consistently? The work out consistently.
  • Do you want to get tougher? Then be tougher.
  • Understand that you are in control of your mind. Weak habits don’t get a vote. 

In order to improve, you need to stress the body and the mind

  • Work out. Working out helps prevent health issues like high blood pressure, depression, and heart disease. It also makes you smarter by improving blood flow to the brain.

“Working out boosts the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that helps with mental processes”

  • Get up early. Waking up early guarantees to make your day better. It gives you the confidence that you are working harder than your competitors which gives you the advantage.

Get enough sleep

  • Lack of sleep can cause negative hormonal balances and suppress the immune system
  • Less sleep means less human growth hormone in your body which means less muscle mass and weaker bones
  • Go to be earlier to get 6-8 hours of sleep

“The world is yours when you are up before the enemy”

Jocko Willink
  • Get tired. Working out in the morning gives you more energy throughout the day and helps you fall asleep faster at night
  • Get off the devices. Turn off your computer, social media, YouTube, etc.

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