30-Day Challenge Ideas


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”

Without question, habits (whether good or bad) have a profound impact on the quality and outcome of our daily lives.

Good eating and fitness habits will give you more energy and help prevent illness and diseases. Similarly, good mindful habits like meditation and reading can give you peace of mind and expand your knowledge.

There seems to be a diverse range of “days” it takes to form new habits – from 30 days to 120 days. Regardless, you have to start somewhere and I think that 30 days is an adequate starting point.

30-day challenges are a great way to test out new habits. Whether or not those habits become a permanent fixture in your life or not is irrelevant. At the very least, a 30-day challenge should be ample time to give you feedback on whether or not it’s moving you in a direction congruent with your life goals and purpose.

Here’s a list of 30-day challenges you can try today:

1. 30 Days No Alcohol

  • Benefits: Alcohol can impact health and productivity. Abstaining leads to improved liver function, better sleep, and increased mental clarity.
  • How To: Remove alcohol from your home and avoid social situations with alcohol initially.
  • Tools/Apps: “I Am Sober” or “Nomo” for tracking progress and community support.

2. 30 Days Cold Showers

  • Benefits: Boosts circulation and mental resilience. Benefits include enhanced immunity and improved skin and hair health.
  • How To: Start with lukewarm water and gradually decrease the temperature.
  • Tools/Apps: A shower timer to monitor duration.

3. 30 Days No Sugar

  • Benefits: Reduces risk of chronic diseases and improves energy levels.
  • How To: Read food labels and prepare meals at home.
  • Tools/Apps: “MyFitnessPal” to monitor sugar intake.

4. 30 Days Vegan Challenge

  • Benefits: Lowers risk of heart disease and reduces carbon footprint.
  • How To: Plan meals ahead and stock up on plant-based foods.
  • Tools/Apps: “HappyCow” for restaurants and “Forks Over Knives” for recipes.

5. 30 Days No Caffeine

  • Benefits: Improves sleep quality and reduces anxiety.
  • How To: Gradually reduce intake and replace with herbal teas.
  • Tools/Apps: A symptom tracker app.

6. 30 Days 5 AM Wake-Up

  • Benefits: Increases productivity and enhances mental clarity.
  • How To: Gradually adjust your bedtime and create a morning routine.
  • Tools/Apps: “Alarmy” or “Sleep Cycle”.

7. 30 Days Intermittent Fasting

  • Benefits: Aids in weight loss and improves metabolic health.
  • How To: Choose an eating window and plan nutritious meals.
  • Tools/Apps: “Zero” or “Life Fasting Tracker”.

8. 30 Days HIIT Challenge

  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health and aids in fat loss.
  • How To: Find a variety of HIIT workouts online.
  • Tools/Apps: “Seven” or “Nike Training Club”.

9. 30 Days No Social Media

  • Benefits: Increases productivity and improves mental health.
  • How To: Delete or deactivate social media apps.
  • Tools/Apps: “Freedom” or “StayFocusd”.

10. 30 Days Minimalist Living

  • Benefits: Embracing minimalism reduces stress and clutter, helping you focus on what’s truly important.
  • How To: Start by decluttering your living space, donating or discarding items you don’t need, and simplifying your daily routines.
  • Tools/Apps: Use apps like Todoist to organize decluttering tasks and track your progress towards a simpler lifestyle.

11. 30 Days of 10,000 Steps

  • Benefits: Aiming for 10,000 steps a day can significantly improve your cardiovascular health and overall mood.
  • How To: Incorporate walking into your daily routine, use stairs instead of elevators, and take short walking breaks throughout the day.
  • Tools/Apps: Pedometers or fitness trackers like Fitbit or Google Fit are great for keeping track of your daily step count.

12. 30 Days No Processed Food

  • Benefits: Cutting out processed foods can lead to better nutrition, weight loss, and increased energy levels.
  • How To: Prepare meals from scratch using whole foods, read labels carefully, and avoid fast food and packaged snacks.
  • Tools/Apps: Recipe apps like Allrecipes or Yummly offer a wide range of whole food recipes to help you stay on track.

13. 30 Days Plank Challenge

  • Benefits: Regular planking strengthens your core, improves posture, and enhances overall body strength.
  • How To: Start with a short duration and gradually increase your plank time each day while maintaining proper form.
  • Tools/Apps: Fitness apps like Plank Workout or 30 Day Fitness provide structured plank challenges and guidance.

14. 30 Days No TV

  • Benefits: Cutting down on TV time can lead to more productive use of time, better sleep, and increased physical activity.
  • How To: Remove TVs from primary living areas, find alternative hobbies or activities, and set specific limits if necessary.
  • Tools/Apps: Habit tracker apps can help monitor your TV-free time and encourage you to engage in other activities.

15. 30 Days of Silence

  • Benefits: Daily periods of silence can reduce stress, enhance mindfulness, and improve mental clarity.
  • How To: Designate a specific time each day for silence, engage in quiet activities like reading or walking, and practice mindfulness.
  • Tools/Apps: Meditation apps like Headspace or Calm can guide you through silent meditation and mindfulness exercises.

16. 30 Days Zero Waste

  • Benefits: Living a zero-waste lifestyle reduces your environmental impact and can lead to cost savings.
  • How To: Use reusable products, recycle and compost, and be mindful of your consumption and waste production.
  • Tools/Apps: Apps like JouleBug offer tips and challenges for sustainable living and help track your zero-waste efforts.

17. 30 Days of Reading

  • Benefits: Regular reading enhances knowledge, improves cognitive function, and can be a great stress reliever.
  • How To: Set aside a specific time for reading each day, choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction, and create a comfortable reading space.
  • Tools/Apps: E-readers like Kindle or book-tracking apps like Goodreads can enhance your reading experience and help you track your progress.

18. 30 Days of Learning

  • Benefits: Develop a new skill like coding or playing an instrument
  • How To: Pick a skill that you think you’re lacking or that has interested you and take 30 minutes a day to learn that new skill.
  • Tools/Apps: Apps like Coursera, Udemy, Codecademy and Yousician offer courses to learn new skills

19. 30 Days of Daily Journaling

  • Benefits: Daily journaling can enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve writing skills.
  • How To: Set a specific time each day for journaling, use prompts to inspire your writing, and create a comfortable journaling environment.
  • Tools/Apps: Digital journaling apps like Day One or Journey offer a convenient way to keep a daily journal and track your thoughts and experiences.

20. 30 Days of Random Acts of Courage

  • Benefits: Challenging yourself to face fears and step out of your comfort zone can lead to increased self-confidence and personal growth.
  • How To: Identify areas where you want to be braver, start with small acts of courage, and gradually take on bigger challenges.
  • Tools/Apps: Keeping a journal or a personal blog can help you document your experiences and reflect on your journey of courage.

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